Friday 15 August 2008

6 + 4 today - Oh the sickness...

Well I'm fast heading towards 7 weeks. The sickness hit hard yesterday. I was in Tesco's doing some shopping and I thought I was going to faint. I went all squiffy like! Then this overwhelming feeling of wanting to throw up came over me. Of course I couldn't because I was in the middle of the supermarket with a trolley load of stuff, I'll be dammed if I was going to lose that and have to do it all again!!!

So I battled through and made it to the car, only to get a phone call from Mum to say, I'm home now so I'll meet yo on the hill at 4.15. OK I said, see you there. I had to rush home, put the shopping away, change Milly's nappy, make sure she was wearing warm enough clothes for the walk, go to the loo, grab the dog lead, calm the dog down enough to get the lead on, grab some grapes and some water, grab my walking boots, grab Milly, open the door with Milly insisting she walks to the car on her own, all the time making sure the dog doesn't knock her over on the way. Get the dog in the car, get Milly in the car, get myself in the car...phew...stop! Breath! OK, off we go, we've got 15 Min's to get there.

Get to the top of Leith Hill and it's a lovely afternoon. I get my boots on, get Milly in the backpack, get the dog out and then Mum arrives. Her 2 dogs are out and bounding around with Poppy. Lovely. Now off for the walk.

Mum's a little worried about the walking and the strain it might be having on my heart now I'm pregnant. We don't just stroll, we do hard hill walking, and Milly's not getting any lighter. It's great, but very tiring on those hills. She wants me to talk to the midwife about it. So I'll mention it when I see her.

Right, I've got my best friend coming over soon and I'm not even dressed yet, so I'd better get on with it.

Speak later

Thursday 7 August 2008

5 +3 - So so so tired...

OMG! I can't believe how tired I am today. I don't remember this from when I was pregnant with Milly. I can't keep my eyes open. I put Milly down for her nap about an hour ago and just wanted to cuddle up with her and go to sleep. I can't though :( I've got to fit some work in while she's asleep.

We went to take her swimming yesterday at the in laws, but the pool heater had gone haywire, so that meant the water was just a little too cold for her. Don't want her shivering, little cutie x

I think I'd better get on with some work now :(

speak later

Monday 4 August 2008

5 weeks today

Woohoo, 5 weeks today, babies vocal chords are forming and it's heart is beating and circulating blood round it's teeny tiny body.

I know I've not posted for a little while, but I've been so busy, not had a moment to be honest.

Anyway, down to how I'm feeling, very very tired at the moment. I keep getting some sharp pains in my (.)(.)'s dammit, I thought I might have been lucky enough not to be getting any other symptoms this time round. No such luck, I'm even starting to feel a little sick from time to time.

I had an annoying morning this morning. I booked my 1st midwife appointment last week for today, I know it was today, because I was sat in front of my PC when I made the phone call and wrote it down as she said it. Anyway, I got there (and it's not just a wander down the road) managed to find a space in the car park, walked to the surgery, told them I was there and what time my appointment was and who with, only to be told that the midwife doesn't come in on Monday's, she come in on Tuesday's. I must have made a mistake. AAARRGGGG! It wasn't me who made the mistake, it was the receptionist who made the booking for me, she must have said Monday when she actually meant Tuesday. Bloody hell!!!! I was really looking forward to it as well. I know It's tomorrow, but it's sort of left me a little deflated.

Moving on though...

I treated myself on Saturday, I got myself a couple (OK 5) of maternity things from
H&M. I got 2 pairs of nice combats, 1 brown and 1 black and 3 t-shirts, 2 black and 1 pink!

OK I'm going to sign off now, got to make some supper, I'm starving.

Speak soon