Saturday 26 July 2008

3 +5 (12dpo)

Last night I sat down to watch some tv and fell asleep within minutes of it starting. I didn't realise just how tired I was.

Today has been the same, every time I've sat down, I've just wanted to fall asleep. I can't remember feeling this tired when I was pregnant with Milly. It has just taken me over completely.

I've also been getting some slight strangeness in my pelvic area. I don't want to say pains, because they're not, but they are slightly uncomfortable. I suppose it's my uterus begining to do some stretching or something to that effect.

I joined my new antinatal club on Babyworld yesterday. April 2009. That seems so strange and so far away. It's not though is it, it will go so quickly. I remember when I was pregnant with Milly, there had been such a long gap between Felix and Milly 19 years to be exact, that it was like being pregnant for the 1st time. It took so long to get to the birth. This time though, because I'm running around after 16 month old, I bet it goes without me realising.

Ok I'm rambling now. I'll sign off now. I'll be back though.

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