Thursday, 9 October 2008

I feel ready to come back now...

It's been quite a while since I last posted...

I lost the pregnancy :(

@ 10 weeks I woke up with some brown spotting after dreaming that night that I had started bleeding! 'Strange' I went to see the doctor, who told me it was probably nothing, but to be on the safe side he booked me in for a scan early the following morning. I could sleep that night, I can tell you. The bleeding hadn't got any worse, ut when I got up in the morning, it had started to turn bright red. My mum picked me up early, Jon stayed at home with Milly, as they don't allow little ones in for the scans, plus I didn't want her to see me upset if it was bad news.

So, we got to the hospital, waited about 10 minutes, then got called in. They were lovely, they started the scan, but couldn't see my uterus properly, so I had to have an internal scal... This is when they discovered that I had a 'Blighted Ovum' I'd only read about them in passing on the internet, but couldn't believe this was happening to me. I could clearly see there was no baby there :( I felt my world come crashing down around me. This baby I had been nurturing inside me for the past 10 weeks wasn't even there. How can that be.

They did everything by the book and offered me two options. Either I could let nature take it's course, or they would book me in for an emergency ERPC. I opted for the ERPC and had this done that afternoon and was home by 11pm that night. That was on the 9th March. The day before Jon's birthday.

It's now a month later exactly, my period still hasn't returned, although for the last few days, It really feels like it's on it's way. But I've got very very faint lines on a couple of hpt's over the last couple of days.(althought, these have come up after the time limit) but they are there non the less. I felt like I ovulated 2 weeks after the ERPC and so because I felt ready to, we did some bd'ing. I'm now wondering if I might possibly be pregnant again...!

I know I'm just going to have to wait and see, as it could quite possibly be left over HCG from the last pregnancy.

Oh why oh why did I test? Now It's all I can think about! LOL!

Speak soon x

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